60 asylum seekers and 15 kindergarten children in the same building – Concerned parents plan to keep children at home


Nissafors houses a kindergarten

In the small community Nissafors in Gnosjö  parents  are worried that the municipality is planning to let  sixty migrants live in the same building as the resort’s nursery children –  Concerned parents said they will keep their children at home, says a concerned parent  to News Today.

It was recently announced that Gnosjö Municipality plans to let a kindergarten be accommodation for a total of 60 migrants seeking asylum in Sweden. When News Today contacting a parent in Gnosjö who has a child who attends the kindergarten the parent explains that it is in the same building as the municipality intends to have the asylum seekers and  the kindergarten intermingled with each other. The parent explains that there is about fifteen children in the kindergarten today.

Some are in favor of it, but there are fewer than those who are against this move. They are worried about security, says parent of News Today.

The municipality has completely ignored its obligations as employers and managers of the Kindergarten, without consideration as to the consequences for the young school children.


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